Nov. 24, 12:00 p.m.
Vitesse JO15-1 logo
PSV O15 logo
  1. Goal

    Chahid el Allachi
    PSV O15 logo
  2. Goal

    Iggy Houben
    PSV O15 logo
  3. Match report

    The report

    On the last Saturday of November, the O15 played away at Papendal against leaders Vitesse. Both teams lost their last match. The Arnheimers went down 2-4 at home against Ajax, while PSV lost 3-2 at Utrecht. A lot of goals, and because the mutual match earlier this season ended in 3-4, a match rich in goals was to be expected.

    The opening phase was for the home side. PSV struggled with Vitesse's early pressure and barely got off their own half. Although Vitesse had the ball a lot, they could not create many chances. After fifteen minutes, PSV had its first opportunity when Chahid el Allachi was able to shoot. His shot was caught by Vitesse's goalkeeper. It seemed that this gave confidence as the game became more balanced. In the 22nd minute, PSV even took the lead when Chahid sent Iggy Houben away on the right. After a long run, he stayed calm in front of the goal and slid the ball into the far corner: 0-1. Just before halftime, PSV almost doubled the lead when Iggy reached Chahid with a hard cross. Via an Arnheim leg the ball unfortunately went wide. So it remained 0-1 until halftime.

    After halftime, PSV quickly made it 0-2. Yaël Gil y Muinos picked up the ball on the left just before the center line and steamed towards the back line. From about twenty meters, he delivered a pinpoint cross that was well rounded by Chahid. Moments later, Chahid even had the 0-3 on his shoe after a wonderful cross from Iggy, but this time the goalkeeper was well in line with the shot. Vitesse felt time was ticking away and started playing one-on-one at the back. This gave the Eindhoveners more space up front, but did not play it well. Shi-jon Martina shot at the goalkeeper, Jesper Uneken headed a Livano Comenencia cross just wide and Jaivy Lourens failed to reach Shi-jon. The biggest chance was in the 62nd minute for Matteo Dams. After the goalkeeper turned away an Iggy effort, he got the rebound at his feet. But unfortunately he aimed too high. Vitesse stayed on the front foot and hoped to get the tying goal quickly. PSV, however, gave little away today. The tying goal did come. In the final minute the striker was allowed to save the Arnhem honor, but shortly after this goal the referee called it quits.

    PSV thus took three points into the bus and finally qualified for the championship pool after the winter break.

    Niek Schiks , Livano Comencia, Luc Netten (C), Matteo Dams, Yaël Gil y Muinos, Lars Putters, Sven Simons, Chahid el Allachi, Iggy Houben, Jesper Uneken (56/Jaivy Lourens), Shi-jon Martina.

    Yellow card: Yaël Gil y Muinos