December 15, 00:00
Vitesse D3 logo
PSV D3 logo
  1. Match report

    A practice match against Vitesse D3 was on our schedule today. A nice measuring point because we are now playing against peers.
    From the first minute it was clear that we were a lot better. We quickly got chances through Jur, Mohamed-Amine Ihattaren and Heritier. The latter hit the post. Mohamed Ihattaren scored the deserved 0-1 after ten minutes of play. He passed two players and then shot the ball beautifully into the cross. Unfortunately, Vitesse quickly scored 1-1. They shot at goal for the first time and it was an instant hit. At halftime we agreed to keep playing calm football and the goals would come.
    And in the second half it did. Jeremy scored the liberating 2-1 after a few minutes. After that we were unstoppable. Mohamed Ihattaren scored 4 goals, Djurre made a penalty and Nigel scored from a corner. The halftime score was 1-8. Peter and Robin, the goalkeepers, did not touch the ball.
    In the third half we quietly continued to score goals. All our players were eager to score and this made it very crowded in front of Vitesse's goal. Jur, Mohamed Nassoh, Thomas and Genrich all managed to score. Final score: 1-12.
    Today we won easily. We achieved our level and because of that we played Vitesse off the mat. Now we have the winter break and on January 12 we will start again with an exercise game against RCS D1. We, from PSV D3, wish everyone happy days and a sportive and successful 2013.